Sunday, March 8, 2009


1. I love the Twilight series. That's not the confession. The confession is that I haven't gone to see the movie. I know.

Right? The truth is the holidays consumed me and then I got sick, then M got sick, then I got sick again and I never got to the theater to see it. And I don't like girl above because she smokes pot on her front step like a moron and she constantly bites the hand that feeds her. That being said, I will buy my copy this month and probably squeal like a fangirl all the way through it and then spend hours laughing at it's cheesiness. I'm ashamed to be a fan who did not see the movie on the big screen.

2. I'm addicted to LOLCatz. I got addicted when I was on bedrest. I have over 200 saved on my computer. This one is my favorite. For right now (from

When Hubs was moving my files over to my new superawesome laptop he asked me why I had a filed labeled "LOL." I told him it was an important private file.

3. When babychild and I go to the park, I have more fun on the swings and slide than she does.

4. Orange Skittles are my favorite candy. Hubs and I decided recently that we're too wasteful so we're trying to be more mindful of how we use things. I don't buy Skittles anymore because I can't justify buying a whole bag just for the orange ones. I miss skittles. :-(

5. I like classic literature and Twilight, but when I really need to just space out and read absolute fluff, I crack out my old Babysitter's Club Books. I keep them in stacks of ten under my bed.

6. I run on the track at the gym because the old ladies on the treadmills can run faster than me and it makes me self-conscious.

7. I'm terrified of carnies and bugs.

8. I still have nightmares (and daymares) about being bullied in high school. I'm still terrified and completely un-trusting of people, which is probably why I don't have many real life friends. Some stuff never leaves.

9. I want to quit my work at home job and start my own business, but I'm too afraid to with the economy the way that it is.

10. I like to challenge people to dance-offs when we have an argument. I always lose the dance-off.

No judgment here! Leave your confessions in the comments if you need to get something off your chest.


Kelly said...

Aw, some of these are sad, but some are funny! Go buy yourself a bag of skittles, if only for the orange ones...

My confession is that I've probably taken over 20 pregnancy tests in the past week. Sad. Maybe I'll think of more sometime.

Sara said...

Kelly, I was a POAS fanatic when I was trying, too. ;) There's nothing wrong with that.

Michele said...

#9 - GO FOR IT!!!! I say make adorable baby clothes and sell on etsy.

Sara said...

It's actually pretty funny that I lost my job right after I posted that. LOL! It was layoffs, though, due to the economy. I didn't get fired for being a horrible employee or anything like that. :)