Monday, March 2, 2009

The Hubs is mean

So tonight the baby child was following hubs around the house talking to him. Since she's just learning to talk, I encourage everyone to acknowledge her when she talks to them, but he was ignoring her! So I said, "Baby child is talking to you. She has said 'Up' infinity times and you haven't acknowledged it or picked her up. He said, "I hear her. I don't need your play-by-play."

What is he talking about? My play-by-plays are awesome! Feelings = hurt right now.


Kelly said...

Must be nice to have a talking child. And a husband who can hear.

Michele said...

That's that selective man hearing I'm becoming accustomed to. "Turn off the oven? What? You didn't tell me to do that. I don't know what you're talking about. You women are crazy."

Alyssa G said...

Men are stupid, throw rocks at them!

Sara said...

I want to throw rocks at his boss today. Stupid trips.