Friday, March 20, 2009


Dear Big Jet on Little Einsteins:

You are a jerk. You need to stop picking on a bunch of toddlers and their tiny rocket and act like a grown up jet. I loathe you.

Dear Garmin GPS system in my car:

I'm sorry that you had a spastic freak out in the car today. I told you repeatedly that I didn't want to drive on the interstate, and you wouldn't listen to me. I'm sorry you had a cow in the car.

Dear Amazon:

Please stop sending me doubles of everything I order and then telling me that it's my fault. I may have made that mistake once, but I know I haven't made it for the last five orders.

Dear Guy who lived in our house before us:

Stop giving your old address to your creditors. I don't like getting calls from your debt collectors at 3am. Man up and talk to them yourself. Consolidate your debt and start paying it off. Running from it will only make it worse.

Dear Neighbor:

It is the first day of spring. March. Please take down your Christmas lights. Or at least stop turning them on every night.

Dear Lady at the gym:

Please wipe off the equipment if you sweat all over it. That is gross. Nobody wants to sit in your butt sweat.

Dear Trash guy:

Please stop putting the trash can in the middle of the driveway after you empty it and put it back beside the mailbox on the curb. If you put in the correct spot, I'll probably stop hitting with my car every week.

Dear Dishwasher:

Why did you spew soap all over the floor? Not cool.

Dear Friday:

I'm glad you're here. I'm looking forward to relaxing with Hubs and M this weekend.


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Oh my goodness...I hate when people leave up their lights forevers.

And Amazon sounds wack. I have people complain to me about them all the time.

Sara said...

Hi Sara!! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :) I should probably amend my post a bit because I really was referring to one person who is a repeat visitor...and I have no idea who they are (kinda creeps me out). I don't mind the occasional drifter, as I do the same :) And as a fellow Twilight fan, I would NEVER call you "crazy," just "awesome!" :D

I've read through some of your posts, and you are so hysterical. I am really envious of your glow-in-the-dark pjs...not the scaring part though. I would have reacted the same way, I'm sure!

Are you getting pumped for the movie release tonight? I'm picking up my copy at midnight and am *hoping* to be able to stay awake to watch it :)

Feel free to post anytime on my blog :)

Take care!

Michele said...

Butt sweat??? EEEWWWWWWW... gag. See, this is why I avoid the gym.

Of course, I just got back from a kickboxing class and now my butt sweat is all over my chair... but it is my chair. And I can butt sweat on it whenever I want.

Sara said...

Hey Sarah! Welcome to my wacked out world. I DID get a copy of the movie, as evidenced by my above post. It was SO MUCH FUN to watch! :) One of my also Twi-giddy friends is coming over Saturday to watch it with me. I'm making Hubs take M out on a Daddy date so we can squeal in privacy. LOL!

Kelly said...

hmmm... makes me think of some letters I need to write.