Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random stuff

*LOST is a recap tonight. BOO! How lame is that?

*Someone told me that I dress like a hobo this week.

My first reaction was "AHAHAHAHAHA!" My second reaction was "Ouch." Because I don't really dress like a hobo. I'm more into casual than fancy. My third reaction was I want to bust her chops because really, who says that to somebody? "You look awful because you were wearing khakis and a pink shirt." What about that makes me frumpy? I'm so confused.

*Our grocery store stopped carrying Cheese Nips. Again, what is with the lameness this week? I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone.

*I kind of miss Lauren and her hilarious posts. I hope she's doing okay.

*I made some rockin enchiladas tonight. I'm not even kidding. They were UH-MAZING.

*There is a truck that drives by our house every night playing circus music. Like the music the clowns and monkeys dance to.

It's fantastical. I thought maybe it was a business vehicle or something, but nope. It's just a normal, ratty little pick-up truck. LOVE IT!

*I used Afrin this week for the first time in years because I had a butt awful sinus infection. I had forgotten how wonderful it is. It was like a party in my nose. With green streamers. I'll stop there.

*I went to some yard sales and found some great stuff. Hubs acted flustered that I bought more stuff for our already overflowing house, but I know he's secretly happy. Oh, Hubs! Your acts CRACK.ME.UP.

*My tests are done. Yay! I don't have to have heart surgery. Yay! Yet. Oh, ok. I'm on medication now and am being monitored closely. I can't train for the marathon. Boo! But I'll probably live to see M get married. Yay!


Michele said...

I didn't even watch the recap last night... too dang tired and hubby wanted to watch the rerun of the Giants v Padres game. And I let him. Because I'm an AWESOME wife.

Glad that you don't have to have surgery! I was prescribed a Beta Blocker for my funky heartbeats. And I never took them because I was getting ready to try having a baby and didn't want anything in my system. I'm such a rebel. My heart pretty much righted itself. But last night I had a few funky beats when I got into bed. So strange. I have this awesome ability that makes just about every person's blog posts about me. Sorry about that.

I'm a CheezIts fan... Cheese Nips are gross. :-)

Did you tell your friend to stick her fashion comments in her ear? Actually, that picture of the hobo you posted? I think that was my senior picture. Umm, except for the mustache. And wieners on a stick. And dog between my legs. And newspaper in my pocket, feather in my cap and GIANT ganja filled cigar in my mouth... okay, I lied, I had the ganja cigar.

Sara said...

You are an awesome wife!

Cheese Nips are so infinity better than Cheez-its. But I will eat either because I'm a pig like that.

Haha! Yeah, I did dress like that a little in high school. But I don't now. I dress totally cute. I don't know what she was talking about, thinking she's all Tim Gunn and stuff.

I've taken the Beta blockers before, but they didn't really help. That's what I'm back on now, though. They think I might have a valve issue that just isn't showing up on the echo yet. I hate that skipped heart beat (badaBUMP)feeling. Especially when it hasn't happened in awhile. It just doesn't feel right.

Sara said...

I was really disappointed in LOST last night, too. How very tricks-y of those producers...

*mumbles* Special POV, my eye!*mumbles*

I'm glad that you're doing better. Don't know much about your situation (any I'm not prying, either), but even so, it's nice to read that you're on the mend :)

Sorry about your, um, friend. If khakis and a pink shirt = hobo attire, then she'd have a heart attack on the spot seeing me hang out every night in my sweats and chocolate ice cream stained t-shirt :D

Take care!

Michele said...

I know how you feel with the badaBUMP heartbeat. I really totally do. I'm glad that is something we can relate on - because, if you're anything like me, you feel really defective right about now. Unfortunately, it sounds like yours must continue in your sleep - mine didn't, which led my doctor to conclude that my heart was goofing off due to my high stress living... whatevs. But I still get them occasionally - just not like in the every seventh beat pattern like in the beginning.

And as for high school - smack dab in the middle of the grunge craze - I dressed like Kurt Cobain every day. Torn jean shorts, v-neck tee shirt and a rockin' flannel shirt. I'm even wearing a flannel in my senior picture. I was such a dork. But I just couldn't join the Gap/Eddie Bauer crowd - I was broke, I tell you. Broke.

Sara said...

Sara - I, too, am tired of the "recaps" from the point of view of the spooky voice-over guy. Give us a real show! Make Sawyer take his shirt off!

I didn't think you were prying. :) My heart doesn't work right. It hasn't since I was a teenager. Doctors are all the time trying to find out what's wrong with me, but I took a really bad turn a few weeks ago. They thought I had a heart attack, but that wasn't what happened. Hmmm.

We should totally hang out because I'm wearing that exact outfit right now, only it's stained with grape juice.

Michele - Yes! A fellow weird heart person! Mine does do it in my sleep. Lately it's been doing it every third beat. They're trying to fix it with the beta blockers. Let's hope it works. It's amazing how one little thing like that can wear you out.

I dressed like a grunge, too. For the same reason, I couldn't afford to be preppie. :D I listed to Nirvana and Green Day and all those guys anyway. My clothes might as well match my music.

Michele said...

Nirvana, Green Day, Offspring, Alice In Chains... those were the days. Can you believe our music is probably considered "classic alternative" to today's youth? How frickin' old are we anyway? Maybe its our choice of rockin' music that has tripped out our hearts? :-) Blame it on Kurt Cobain. Jerk.

Kelly said...

Sorry, Cheez its are so much better than Cheese Nips, ew. Oh, and White Cheddar Cheez its are Da BOMB! Yes, Da bomb. I buy regular for DH, and white for me... then he eats all mine. Whatever.

Glad you don't have to have surgery!

I dress like a hobo, too. Whatever. I have a friend that ALWAYS gets on to me about what I wear. SHUT UP! She gets on to me for the car I've had 6 years, but guess what? Including the purchase and maintenance of both of our vehicles, maybe even insurance, we've probably spent
$10,000 on our vehicles. Her car was over $22,000, and she is still paying on it. I think it will have taken her 6 years to pay it off, ouch. So I'll dress like crap and drive my crappy car, haha!

Sorry, that was long. I just talked to her a few hours ago, still heated from it.

Sara said...

Ugh. I can't believe all the Cheez-it's support I'm seeing. I like Cheez-its and I guess they're my chip/cracker now because we don't have Cheese Nips anymore, but Cheese Nips are still my first artifical-cheese-flavored-cracker love. I like the white cheddar Cheez-its, too. See, we can all get along.

I don't like friends telling me I look awful. Yeah, if was strutting around church in a tube top and a thong, yeah, maybe someone should say something to me. But it's not like I need someone bustin out their "What Not to Wear" knowledge on me in my current fashion state. Bah.

Michele, we need to get together and sing grunge songs. We would totally rock the house with our awesomeness.

Michele said...

With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now. Entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now. Entertain us. A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido. Yeah.

It's poetry I tell you. Sheer poetry.

But what the heck does it mean???? :-)

Sara said...

Wow! That was like a textual flux capacitor. I swear I just flew back in time.

Do you have the time
To listen to me whine
About nothing and everything
All at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it.

Love me some grunge.