Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random Stuff

When you get pumped full of saline it makes you really fat for awhile, it makes your arm really cold, and it makes you have to use the potty a lot the day afterward. So I'm in the potty a lot today, staring at this particular tile on the floor:

Does it not look like a woman with long hair kissing a dude with a beard and a crown? Don't see it? Here, I'll help you out.

See it now? Please say yes.

I was at the grocery store today to get some orange juice and I saw these:

And I totally bought them. And as a kicker, the things really sparkle. No lie. And they taste like crap. And I'm not certain that they're digestible.

Oh, and for the first time ever today, I started one of those fruit avalanches at the grocery store. You know the kind you only see in movies or on TV? The ones where someone picks up one piece of fruit and all the fruit rolls off the display and into the floor? Yep. That was me. Good times.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Nice one on the fruit avalanche. If you hadn't done that, you would have been just another anonymous soul wandering through the market - a nobody, with no name, no identity. But now you're someone. You're the girl who bruised all that fruit. High five.

I see the kissing couple. Good eye!