Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Dear Sinuses:

I hate you.

Dear Weather:

I hate you, too. Snow? In April? Really?

Dear Hubs:

Remember when you came in the bedroom last night when I was folding laundry and said, "What's that smell? Where is that coming from?" and I said, "I don't know"? It was me. I farted. Sorry.

Dear M:

You never cease to amaze me. You're on the path to change the world, little lady. I can't wait to see it.

Dear person who is supposed to be my friend:

Please stop saying awful things about me behind my back. It's not nice.

Dear Target:

I love you and your awesome clearance sales

Dear person who gives me nightmares:

Stop trying to friend me on Facebook. I don't want to be your friend, ever.

Dear heart:

Please start beating in a normal rhythm again or they're going to attach a pacemaker to you. Neither of us wants that, right?

Dear Fellow Losties:
Update tonight. :)

1 comment:

Michele said...

I can so relate to the heart thing. A few years ago, my heart started "skipping beats" which really means I would have a few normal beats and then one really fast one. Just out of the blue. I remember it went into that rhythm when I was startled awake by an early morning phone call. So, they stuck me on a holter monitor and determined it was due to stress!! Whatever. It kind of disappeared when I was pregnant and I've only had some random fast beats since I had the girl. Hearts are weird things.

My brother goes into severe tachycardia and they have to give him the paddles to get him back to normal. He's been defibbed about four times now.

Then, my mom was having some tachycardia - thought she was having a heart attack - turned out to be hypothyroidism.

Hopefully there is an easy answer for your heart.