Sunday, April 12, 2009


I've had some major medical issues the past few days. I'm not sure what's happening in the immediate future, but I won't be posting to the blog as often for a few weeks, because I'll probably be sitting in waiting rooms or watching Twilight with an IV pole (Don't worry. I get along great with IV poles. We're tight). The problems I'm having are pretty serious. Anyway, I'll *try* to keep up the LOST posts until the end of the season, and will probably still occasionally type some letters, but my sewing and creating is going to suffer in the next few weeks. So if you're here solely to look at the awesome things I make, then you're out of luck. If you're here because you're my friend and you feel sorry for me and my pitiful excuse for blog then I LOVE YOU! And stick around. Hopefully I'll be back to my stupid self soon.

Thanks, everyone.


Michele said...

That sounds terrible. I hope it is nothing serious. We'll miss your crafty posts but hope you'll continue writing letters to anything and everyone that ticks you off!

Kelly said...

oh no! I hope everything turns out ok! please KUP!