Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Dear doctor:

I don't understand the saline drip. Please enlighten me. It's not that I don't love jammin in the hospital bed with my IV pole, but I really don't understand its purpose this time. Did you just want my arm to be really cold? For the record, I would really rather be not jammin in the bed with my IV pole. I just try to make the best of a bad situation. Like that time you gave me an MRI and I kept getting in trouble for singing "Crazy" to try to calm myself down.

Dear hospital bed:

You suck. I'm glad I didn't have to sleep in you all night.

Dear Friends:

They did an ultrasound of my heart yesterday looking for valve defects and found....nothing. This is good news as it makes the possibility for heart surgery smaller. I spent the day, but not the night, in the hospital for lots of tests that found nothing. This is good because they did the tests for more serious problems first. There's a good chance whatever I have can be treated with medication and I won't have to have surgery now. I still have countless tests and sticks, etc. to look forward to, but yesterday was by far the most grueling day. And it's over. *sigh of contentment*

1 comment:

Michele said...

Oooh - that sounds promising. Phew - thank God you probably won't have to have surgery. When something goes wrong with your ticker, it's a little scary.

Hospitals suck.