Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Three years ago today

-I didn't know the words to every song from every Disney Princess movie ever made
-There were no kids' songs on my MP3 player
-I didn't know that Sleeping Beauty's name was Aurora
-I had forgotten how fun it is to play with Play-Doh
-The only thing that would have gotten me out of bed at 2 in the morning would have been a fire.
-I didn't know about great literature like "Bear Snores On" and "Te Amo Bebe, Little One"
-I had never been vomited on
-I had never gotten out of bed super early to make someone chocolate chip pancakes on her birthday.
-I didn't know the inner workings of, and every nook and cranny in, Childrens Hospital.
-I had forgotten the wonder in watching a movie on a movie screen.
-I had forgotten the wonder in looking at the sky and the grass.
-I didn't know what pain was.
-I didn't know what worry was.
-I didn't know what it felt like to be so protective of someone that you would die for them.
-A fun day of shopping would have been a trip to the department stores in the mall. Now it's a trip to Babies R Us, Toys R Us, or the Disney Store.
-The backseat of my car was free of stains, and strangely empty.
-I knew what to do with my hands when I wasn't holding a child. Now I don't.
-I fit in size 4 jeans.
-I would have freaked if I put my hand in my purse or pocket and found a used tissue.
-I never would have left the house with peanut butter in my hair and a dried gummi bear stuck to my butt.
-I had never wiped someone's nose with my shirt.
-I hadn't fingerpainted since kindergarten.
-A quick trip to the grocery really was just a quick trip to the grocery.
-My life was incomplete and voided and I didn't even know it.
-I was riding in the car at 6am, going to meet my daughter.
-Our family became more complete than it ever was before.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Miss M! Mommy loves you!


Nancy Face said...

I love this! Such a unique and fantastic birthday post! I hope her day has been magical! (Yours too!)

Michele said...

Wow - really puts things into perspective, doesn't it? Happy birthday little sweetie! And congratulations Mama for successfully nurturing and caring for another human being for three years!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Happy Birthday Miss M! Hope she has the most glorious day!