Tuesday, September 1, 2009



Dear Guy who almost ran over me and my daughter in the bank parking lot today:

Hello, first of all you are not Carlisle Cullen. Stop acting like you are. Yes, I saw the gelled bottle blond hair and you driving your black tinted Mercedes like you're immortal or something. PUH-LEASE. Second, if you had just almost run over me I probably would have let it go, but the reason I came at you like a banshee on crack is because you endangered the life of my child. Don't act like I'm a crazy woman. Have you ever poked a sleeping bear with a stick? That's basically what you were doing today. You're lucky I didn't gouge your eyeballs out.

Dear dumb teenagers who flashed me and M at the McDonald's:

Yeah, that was me who called the police on you. Once again, don't be doing that stuff in front of my child. I can't laugh off people acting like that around her. And believe me, I would have laughed if she hadn't been there. Oh, and by the way, that's not really the best way to meet girls. Oh, and I didn't press charges against you. You might not be so lucky with the next person.

Dear Bacon:

Why do you taste so good, yet in your live form you give us flus? That is not very nice, bacon, so from now on I will be taking my bacon from turkeys, so as not to encourage your flu spreading.

Dear Sewing Machine:

I love you. I really, really do. And I thought we had a good relationship. So I don't understand why you not only broke a needle today, but flung it at my eye. That was not cool. You could have blinded me. I buy you the best titanium needles on the market. This is why we can't have nice things.

Dear M:

I love you.

Dear Hubs:

Happy Birthday and I love you. :)

Dear Friends:

Thanks for reading my dumb blog. I hope you have a wonderful night.



Michele said...

You got FLASHED??? Tell me your little girl didn't see that... how do you explain that to her? "Mommy, why did that boy show us his pee pee?" I would DIE!

I once had a sewing machine that broke needles like it was a hobby. Maybe that's why I never really learned how to sew. :-)

Happy birthday to your hubs.

And you're welcome - your blog makes me laugh. Plus, I know a Lost post is coming today. Woot!!

Sara said...

Yes, I did get flashed and no, she didn't see it. But they did get the pee scared out of them by a police officer.

Nancy Face said...

Stinkin' Carlisle Cullen wannabe! Foolish flashers!

Your sewing machine flung a broken needle at your eye? EEEK!

I love bacon in ANY form! ;)

Sara said...

I'm so glad that M didn't see what was flashed in your general direction...but I would have loved to have seen those kids' faces when the cop showed up. Idiots.