Friday, August 21, 2009

Why I love....


This is the greatest DVD ever invented. I'm pretty sure. I got it for M because she's on a potty strike right now. I'm really tired of taking out a loan to buy diapers every two weeks. She loves Elmo, so I figured maybe it would help if Elmo told her to use the potty, since me telling her seems to have no impact. I didn't realize at the time that this DVD is great entertainment for the adults, too. Here are the reasons I love it:

1) It's hilarious.

I'm not even lying. Have you ever read (and giggled through) "Everybody Poops"? This is like the live stage show-musical of "Everybody Poops". It is an absolute dream for the immature fourth grader buried deep within us all. The hard part was not laughing out loud in front of M when we watched it together, although I'm sure that the maniacal "I'm holding all the laugher in" shaking and snorting was a dead giveaway.

2) Elmo's Dad

I know Elmo's dad must have been around before, but I really don't ever remember seeing him before. Elmo's dad is one awesome dude. I'm pretty sure he was celebrating the Woodstock anniversary this week. He's just that kind of guy. He's also the kind of guy that you're always expecting to huff and say, "That's my boy!" And I'm pretty sure he smells like a bowling alley.

3) Puppets on potties

I really don't think I need to elaborate.

3) The part where all the kids yell out what they call their poo

It had me rolling. Any composure that I had maintained up until this point was completely dissolved. The funniest part was that half of the kids were excited and yelled the words. The other half were old enough to understand that they were being made to use their poo synonyms on tape that could be viewed for the rest of their lives.

4) The "You'll Use the Potty" song

This is the song at the end of the DVD where all the puppets and grown-ups on Sesame street sing about everyone who uses the potty. Grown-ups, brothers and sisters, even kings and queens! A good reminder for us all.

5) The sponsors of the show

At the end of the show, Elmo turns around and says, "Oh yeah! Our show today was brought to you by the letter P and the number 2." CLASSIC!


Michele said...

Heh heh... I'd probably watch it while Emily was napping just so I could crack up. I have the Potty Power DVD - another one that makes me snort. I can't imagine writing songs to music about potty business.

ConnieB said...


Hey thanks for your comment on my post on bbl! I'm disappointed in Kohls. VERY disappointed. he he!

Nancy Face said...

"Oh yeah! Our show today was brought to you by the letter P and the number 2."


I want this DVD! Maybe I can buy it and PRETEND it's for my future grandchildren...

Sara said...

I've never heard of Potty Power. I'll have to check it out.

Connie, I loved your post on BB! And yes, Kohl's should be ashamed.

Nancy, DO IT! I promise you won't regret it.

Kelly said...

HAHA, That's great!