Friday, November 20, 2009

Taking Stock

My life has been a complete whirlwind lately, hence the deplorable state of my once cheery blog. I have honestly never felt more lost in my life.

See this little person? She is one of the two loves of my life. The great love of my life is the Hubs. She's a close second. You see, I would do anything for them, anything they needed, without batting an eye at my own self preservation. When she came into our lives she made everything better. She made Hubs a better man. She made me a better woman.

She's a beautiful ball of sunshine. She doesn't walk, she bounces. She has an eternal grin, and infectious laugh. She has big blue eyes like her dad and dark blond hair like me. She likes pink. She likes to wear a tutu with cowboy boots. She's a good friend and a perfect daughter. She's a whole lot better than I could ever hope to be.

And she's sick. And we don't know why or with what. We don't know if it's serious or minor. We don't know. The not knowing is the worst. I've spent a lot of the last week evaluating what's important to me. I love blogging. I love my online communities. I love facebook. But I don't know if I can or should do them anymore. You see, she's scared, and more than anything she needs her mommy. Truth be told, Hubs and I are both scared, too. And when I'm not being brave for her, we need to be there for each other, not keeping up with our internet obligations. So I'm considering ending my blog. I know there are a very few of you who faithfully read it and to you I'm truly sorry. I haven't made an iron clad decision yet, so the blog will be left up for now. Tomorrow we're going to Children's Hospital to have some tests done (if you are a friend on Facebook, please don't mention this there. We're limiting what we broadcast to the world). I'll post when we know results from that test at the end of next week. Hopefully I'll have made my decision by then.

Thank you for reading. I really do appreciate all of you.


Michele said...

Completely understandable. You need to do what is best for you and your family. Don't ever feel burdened to blog for the sake of your readers.

Still praying for M. I am sad that I may not hear updates from now on. Would you consider adding me as a Facebook friend?

Sara said...

Hey, Michele. I will definitely update as we get test results, but if you still want to friend me on facebook, e-mail me at :) Thanks.