Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a new year


All of M's tests are back and they are NEGATIVE. That means she doesn't have: Crohn's, Celiac's, autoimmune disorders, food allergies, esophagus problems, stomach lining problems, intestinal problems. All of her food moves from her esophagus to her stomach to her intestines just as it's supposed to. This means that she probably has CVS. Our choices with CVS is to give her a medication every day to stop vomiting or just treat the vomiting when it happens. We'll probably go with the latter as I don't want her to take a medication every day for something that happens so sporadically. She's gone almost two months now with no vomiting. We're going to throw a no vomit party. For serious. She has a follow-up with a GI specialist this Friday. Then, hopefully, it's all over.

New Years Resolutions

I hate them, but here they are:

1) I resolve to NOT burn the house down with the butane cooking torch that Hubs got me for Christmas. I know, what was he thinking? Apparently he forgot that I'm something of a pyro. All of our food from now on will be cooked with a torch.

2) I resolve to keep the blog up and running because of LOST. Mostly because if I don't write down what I'm thinking I say it out loud and it irritates the Hubs. I'm also going to try to do one more character summary before the new season starts, so tell me who to summarize!

3) I resolve to not blog as much, even though I'm going to keep my blog. I will be doing occasional updates, but if I learned anything in 2009 it's that I need to shut the laptop and spend time with my family.

4) I resolve to launch the etsy store. I've been working on stock for the past few weeks and am thinking of opening soon.

And I have to blurb Lauren. Lauren is my awesome bloggy friend. We like the same books. She is so chic and stylish. She inspires me to wear something besides the sweatpants and bed hair I got so used to when I was a new mom. She also teaches me new words like "lamespice." I'm insanely jealous of her hair. Anyway, Lauren opened a new store where she sells her awesome headbands and you should go check it out! Busy Bee Shoppe Happy shopping, and may your head always be festive!

1 comment:

Michele said...

PRAISE GOD!! I'm so very glad M is going to be just fine. What a scare. Hopefully, her vomiting episodes are over.

Thank you for dedicating your time and wit to LOST blogging. It is the last season, after all. And there will be much to say. Last character analysis? How about Jacob?

And yay for the Etsy store! I can't wait until you open!